A 17 year old male student has just been shot in the hallway

It was May 1993; my last day of freshman college; I had packed all of my items into the car when my Mom picked me up; as Mama & I were driving back to my parents’ house, we heard a breaking news alert come on the radio: “A 17 year old male student has just been shot in the hallway of Nimitz HS in Irving TX” – my father was teaching & there at that moment & many of my old hs friends were 17 year old male seniors that year; I began shaking & crying wondering what was happening; where my father & friends were & if they were ok; one of the scariest moments of my life as I waited to find out; Mama & I drove directly home & found my father there waiting for us as you can imagine, he was shaken up…and called all of my 17 yr old male sr friends & they were ok but I will never ever forget that moment, that day & pray every day for no one to go thru it ever again and yet here it is time and time again there are shootings at these schools including at Chardon HS in Ohio today; when will this ever end? How can we get these students to not bully anymore nor retaliate but rather connect & relate to each other? I think just asking each other the question & finishing the sentence “If You really knew me…” is just a start.
Help Crochet4Cause fundraiser which will be helping 16 different causes including Suicide Prevention/Anti-Bullying by spreading some LOVE around! Make donation at direct llnk here:  http://www.youcaring.com/fundraiser_details?url=crochet4cause&fundraiser_id=684 (or) you can either search for Crochet4Cause @ www.youcaring.com (or) go to www.crochet4cause.org  Thank you for your support!
Published in: Uncategorized on February 28, 2012 at 5:03 am  Leave a Comment  
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